Rules & Regulations

  1. Students should come to school regularly, neatly well-dressed in proper school uniform and should maintain punctuality.
  2. All letters addressed to students in school are subjected to the scrutiny of the Principal.
  3. No student is permitted to leave the school premises during the school hours without his/her parent.
  4. Students are not permitted to wear ornaments, wrist watches or any other such expensive accessories in school premises. The school will not be responsible for the loss of expensive items. Wearing of nail paint or applying henna is not permitted in school.
  5. Honesty and sincerity in work, speech and action are imperative for the students.
  6. The school’s academic years has two terms- April to September and October to March. There will be an examination at the end of each term and a progress report will be issued.
  7. For promotion, a child should obtain 40% marks in each subject, in each term and in the aggregate.
  8. No test or Examination will be brought forward or postponed. If a child is absent on medical grounds, his final result will be decided on basis of his class assessment throughout the year. Results once declared are final and will not be reconsidered. The Principal’s decision is final.
  9. Only those pupils who pay all school dues will be permitted to appear for the exam.

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Keane Benson

Keane Benson

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Rouge Waves Soap

Rouge Waves Soap

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Jeckerson Lab

Jeckerson Lab

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Susan Bradley

Susan Bradley

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Michael Santos

Michael Santos

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